Authors: Dibyendu Sur (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
The paper demonstrates the possible presence of different kinetic structures in the induced Venus magnetosphere. This is important in order to understand the characteristics of an induced magnetosphere and find its similarities and dissimilarities with Earth’s magnetosphere. This will provide valuable information regarding the plasma interactions between induced Venus magnetosphere and solar wind at the kinetic scale. For this purpose, high resolution FIELDS instrument data from Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is used during its 4th gravity assist from Venus on February 20, 2021 (19:57-20:18UT). During its presence at the bow shock and magnetosheath region, presence of double layers and phase-space holes were observed. The paper will discuss about these double layers and phase-space holes. The paper will also show that no double layers and phase-space holes were found when PSP entered into Venus magnetotail during this flyby period.