Nowcasting and forecasting SEP events with the iPATH model

Authors: Junxiang Hu (UAH), Gang Li (UAH) This work showcases the nowcasting and forecasting capabilities of the operational version of the iPATH (improved Particle AccelerationView More

SOFIE (Solar-wind with Field-lines and Energetic-particles): A data-driven and self-consistent SEP modeling and forecasting tool

Authors: Lulu Zhao (University of Michigan), Igor Sokolov (University of Michigan), Tamas Gombosi (University of Michigan), Zhenguang Huang (University of Michigan), Gabor Toth (University ofView More

Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) through a CME-driven Shock and Streamer Interaction

Authors: Matthew West (Southwest Research Institute), Federica Frassati (National Institute of Astrophysics – Astrophysical Observatory of Turin), Monica Laurenza (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali),View More

Advantages of Characterising the Suprathermal Electrons Pitch-angle Distribution

Authors: Fernando Carcaboso (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, The Catholic University of America), Raúl Gómez-Herrero (Space Research Group, University of Alcalá), Francisco Espinosa Lara (SpaceView More

Quantifying the Impacts of Interplanetary Propagation and Transient Events on Solar Energetic Particle Intensity-Time Profiles

Authors: Alicia K. Petersen (Air Force Research Lab, NRC), Stephen M. White (Air Force Research Lab, Kirtland AFB), Stephen W. Kahler (Air Force Research Lab,View More

The Variation of the Pitch-angle Distribution of 500 MeV solar protons at 1 au in a Weak Pitch-angle Scattering and in the Large-scale Turbulent Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Authors: Ashraf Moradi (University of Arizona), Joe Giacalone (University of Arizona) Solar protons with rigidities higher than 1 GV (432 MeV) penetrate Earth’s atmosphere, generateView More

Integrating automated coronal mass ejection detection alerts from a ground based coronagraph for use in solar energetic particle event forecasting

Authors: M. D. Galloy (HAO Boulder, CO), J. T. Burkepile (HAO Boulder, CO), M. L. Mays (NASA GSFC), J. T. Jones (NASA GSFC), O. C.View More

Validating a Multivariate Ensemble of SEP Forecasting Models with SHINE Challenge Events and Non-events over the Period 2014-2022

Authors: Subhamoy Chatterjee (SwRI), Andres Munoz-Jaramillo (SwRI), Kim Moreland (UTSA & SwRI), Maher Dayeh (SwRI & UTSA), Hazel Bain (CIRES & NOAA SWPC) We builtView More

Re-vitalizing the US-Based Neutron Monitor Network

Authors: James M. Ryan (UNH), Veronica Bindi (U Hawaii), John Clem (Bartol Res. Inst.), Cristina Consolandi (U Hawaii), Waraporn Nuntiyakul (Mahidol U.), David Ruffolo (ChiangView More

Forecasting the Probability of Solar Energetic Particle Events and Their Properties Using a Multivariate Dataset and an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Kimberly Moreland (University of Texas at San Antonio/Southwest Research Institute), Maher Dayeh (Southwest Research Institute/University of Texas at San Antonio), Subhamoy Chatterjee (Southwest ResearchView More

First Measurements of Jovian Electrons by Parker Solar Probe/ISOIS Within 0.5 AU of the Sun

Authors: J. Grant Mitchell (George Washington University & NASA/GSFC), R. A. Leske (California Institute of Technology), G. A. de Nolfo (NASA/GSFC), E. R. Christian (NASA/GSFC),View More

12 Year Full Solar Cycle Maps from IBEX-Lo Interstellar Neutral Atom Observations (2009-2020) and Global Parameter estimation of Interstellar Helium

Authors: H. Islam, F. Rahmanifard, N. A. Schwadron, E. Möbius (University of New Hampshire) The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission investigates the very local interstellarView More

SEPSTER2D: An Empirical Model of 10–130 MeV Solar Energetic Particle Spectra at 1 AU Based on Coronal Mass Ejection Speed and Direction

Authors: Alessandro Bruno (CUA & NASA/GSFC), Ian G. Richardson (UMD & NASA/GSFC) SEPSTER2D is a new empirical model to predict SEP event-integrated and peak intensityView More

Impact of Magnetic Focusing on the Origin of Electron Beams Propagating Upwardly in the Solar Corona

Authors: Bofeng Tang (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Haihong Che (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Gary Zank (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Vladimir Kolobov (UniversityView More

Machine Learning-Driven Prediction of “All-Clear” Periods for Solar Proton Events

Authors: Sadykov, V.M. (GSU), Kosovichev, A.G. (NJIT), Kitiashvili, I.N. (NASA ARC), Oria, V. (NJIT), Nita, G.M. (NJIT), O’Keefe, P. (NJIT), Francis, F. (NJIT), Chong, C.J.View More

Determining the Relative Roles of SMFR Acceleration Mechanisms on Particle Acceleration Behind Traveling Shocks Within 1 AU

Authors: Keaton Van Eck (UAH), Jakobus le Roux (UAH), Lingling Zhao (UAH) Traditionally, diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) has been invoked to explain energetic particle fluxView More

Human Exploration Operations and the Need for Validating Space Weather Models

Authors: Philip Quinn (NASA/JSC/SRAG (Leidos)) In human exploration operations, space weather forecasting models are used to help predict the severity of solar particle events. ButView More

Towards Accurate Modeling of Pickup Ions in the  Solar Wind Interaction with the Local Interstellar Medium

Authors: Ratan Kumar Bera (Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville), Nikolai V Pogorelov (University of Alabama in Huntsville), FedericoView More

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