Daba-based MHD Simulation for Consecutive Flare Eruptions in Active Region 13663

Authors: Nian Liu (NJIT), Satoshi Inoue (NJIT), Ju Jing (NJIT, BBSO), Haimin Wang (NJIT, BBSO)

We conducted data-constrained magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of consecutive flares (two X1.3-class and one M7.5-class) produced in the solar active region 13663 during a 6-hour period on May 5, 2024. The simulations employed the zero-beta MHD approximation, with initial conditions derived from the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolated from photospheric magnetograms taken 1h before each flare. Anomalous resistivity was applied in the NLFFF to locally enhance magnetic reconnection and create more highly twisted field lines that cause the eruption. The pre-eruption magnetic field of NLFFF has the highly twisted field lines and we successfully produced the dramatic eruption in the simulation with anomalous resistivity and compare with AIA EUV observations.