Authors: Benjamin Berkey (NCAR/HAO), Joan Burkepile (NCAR/HAO), Marc Cotter (NCAR/HAO), Michael Galloy (NCAR/HAO), Sarah Gibson (NCAR/HAO), Don Kolinski (NCAR/HAO), Enrico Landi (University of Michigan), Lisa Perez-Gonzalez (NCAR/HAO), Scott Sewell (NCAR/HAO), Giuliana de Toma (NCAR/HAO), Steven Tomczyk (NCAR/HAO), Pat Zmarzly (NCAR/HAO)
The Upgraded Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (UCoMP) is a coronal polarimeter with a narrow-band tunable Lyot filter capable of imaging the intensity, full Stokes
polarization, and Doppler shift across a wide range of coronal emission lines in the visible and near-IR regions of the coronal spectrum. The UCoMP is an upgrade of the CoMP instrument with a broader wavelength range, a larger field-of-view, higher spatial resolution, and dramatically faster acquisition of the full Stokes polarization than CoMP. UCoMP demonstrates the technology of a large aperture (50 mm) tunable birefringent filter based on Lithium Niobate crystals. The instrument was deployed to the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory in 2021 and is completing its commissioning phase prior to the start of its science mission.
In this poster, we will present:
-A description of the UCoMP hardware
-A Description of Level 0 UCoMP data acquired at the instrument, including wavelength and polarization tunings.
-Description and examples of Level 1 and Level 2 UCoMP science data products, including a variety of coronal lines to illustrate brightness differences
-A description of the Instrument flexibility and common observing modes
Following the start of the UCoMP science mission, HAO will open solicitations for community observing campaigns to exploit the new capabilities of the UCoMP instrument to meet community science needs.