Solar Prominence Instabilities and Evolution Toward Eruptions

Authors: Wei Liu (LMSAL/BAERI), Thomas Berger (Univ. Colorado), Andrei Afanasev (Univ. Colorado), and Yuhong Fan (UCAR/HAO) Solar prominences are large-scale plasma structures embedded in non-potentialView More

Self-consistent Formation and Resistive Instability of a Simulated Flare Current Sheet

Authors: Silvina Guidoni (American University), Rebecca Bonness (American University) During solar eruptions, massive amounts of energy stored in the coronal magnetic field are converted intoView More

Non-adiabatic Shock Heating in Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Models

Authors: Gabor Toth (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan) Extended magnetohydrodynamic (XMHD) involves extra variables and/or terms compared to ideal magnethohydrodynamicsView More

Owens Valley Solar Arrays: An Integrated Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Research

Authors: Bin Chen (NJIT), Dale Gary (NJIT), Gelu Nita (NJIT), Sijie Yu (NJIT), Pascal Saint-Hilaire (UC Berkeley), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech), and the EOVSA and OVRO-LWAView More

AWSoM MHD Simulation of a Solar Active Region: Statistical Analysis of Alfven Wave Dissipation and Reflection, Scaling Laws, and Energy Budget on Coronal Loops

Authors: Tong Shi (SETI Institute), Ward Manchester IV (University of Michigan), Enrico Landi (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan), Judit SzenteView More

Statistical Survey of Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Propagating Wave Trains (QFPs) Associated with Flares/CMEs in the Solar Corona

Authors: Richard Zhang (Cupertino High School and Stanford University), Wei Liu (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), Ruizhu Chen (Stanford University) The magnetized solar coronaView More

Sunspot Penumbral Fine-Scale Bright Dots as a Precursor to Coronal Plumes?

Authors: Ayla Weitz (University of Colorado, NSO), Sanjiv Tiwari (LMSAL, BAERI), Bart De Pontieu (LMSAL, University of Oslo), Gianna Cauzzi (NSO), Kevin Reardon (University ofView More

Hear the songs of the inner heliosphere recorded by Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Jaye Verniero (NASA GSFC), Robert Alexander (NASA GSFC/UMBC), Kristoff Paulson (SAO), Sam Badman (SAO) Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is sampling unprecedented regions of theView More

On the properties of the Alfven transition zone separating the solar corona and the solar wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), Arcadi Usmanov (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), William Matthaeus (U Delaware), Melvyn Goldstein (SSI), and Others TheView More

Refinement of global coronal and interplanetary magnetic field extrapolations constrained by remote-sensing and in situ observations at the solar minimum

Authors: Guanglu Shi (Purple Mountain Observatory), Li Feng (Purple Mountain Observatory), Beili Ying (Purple Mountain Observatory), Shuting Li (Purple Mountain Observatory), Weiqun Gan (Purple MountainView More

Recent Progress in Modeling and Representation of Turbulence in the Global Inner-heliospheric Solar Wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware) (Draft:) Global inner-heliospheric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models aim to represent large-scale properties of the solar wind from theView More

Mysterious low frequency transients discovered by the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array

Authors: Surajit Mondal (NJIT), Bin Chen (NJIT) , Dale Gary (NJIT) , Peijin Zhang (NJIT,UCAR), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech) and the OVRO-LWA team The middle coronaView More

Evolution of Switchback Patches Involves Parallel Heating of Ions along Straightening Field Lines

Authors: Shirsh Lata Soni (CLaSP, University of Michigan), Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti (CLaSP, University of Michigan) Switchbacks are discrete angular deflections in the solar wind radial magneticView More

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Coronal Cavities in Pseudostreamers and Helmet Streamers

Authors: M. P. Miralles (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), N. Karna (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), I. Vivas-Abad (Center for AstrophysicsView More

Coordinated Coronal and Heliospheric Observations During the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Authors: Y. J. Rivera (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), J. Samra (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), S. T. Badman (Center forView More

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