Authors: Laura Balmaceda (GMU/NASA GSFC), Miriam Lorenzo Laguno (Interdisciplinary Higher Education Centre (CFIS), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona ,Spain), Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla Magnetic Flux Ropes (MFRs)View More

Suprathermal Electrons in the Heliospheric Magnetic Field

Authors: Alicia Petersen (University of Florida), David Galarza (University of Florida) Recent Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations nearer the Sun than ever before likely containsView More

Non-adiabatic Shock Heating in Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Models

Authors: Gabor Toth (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan) Extended magnetohydrodynamic (XMHD) involves extra variables and/or terms compared to ideal magnethohydrodynamicsView More

Turbulence in the very local interstellar medium and its consequences for cosmic ray transport

Authors: Vladimir Florinski (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Juan Alonso Guzman (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Lingling Zhao (University of Alabama in Huntsville) The VeryView More

The Temperature Anisotropy and Alpha Abundance Features of Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind Observed by Parker Solar Probe and Wind Missions

Authors: Jia Huang (SSL/UCB), the SWEAP and FIELDS teams The slow solar wind is typically characterized as having low Alfvénicity. However, Parker Solar Probe (PSP)View More

The UCSD Real-Time 3-D Heliospheric Reconstruction Analyses as Citizens’ Science Outreach

Authors: Bernard V. Jackson (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, San Diego), Benjamin Pieczynski (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, SanView More

Investigating the characteristics of suprathermal heavy ion composition in fast solar wind and ICMEs using WIND/STICS observations over 1998-2018

Authors: Alyssa Russell (University of Michigan), Liang Zhao (University of Michigan), Jim Raines (University of Michigan) Suprathermal heavy ions, the heavy ions with a higherView More

Hear the songs of the inner heliosphere recorded by Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Jaye Verniero (NASA GSFC), Robert Alexander (NASA GSFC/UMBC), Kristoff Paulson (SAO), Sam Badman (SAO) Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is sampling unprecedented regions of theView More

On the properties of the Alfven transition zone separating the solar corona and the solar wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), Arcadi Usmanov (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), William Matthaeus (U Delaware), Melvyn Goldstein (SSI), and Others TheView More

Refinement of global coronal and interplanetary magnetic field extrapolations constrained by remote-sensing and in situ observations at the solar minimum

Authors: Guanglu Shi (Purple Mountain Observatory), Li Feng (Purple Mountain Observatory), Beili Ying (Purple Mountain Observatory), Shuting Li (Purple Mountain Observatory), Weiqun Gan (Purple MountainView More

Recent Progress in Modeling and Representation of Turbulence in the Global Inner-heliospheric Solar Wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware) (Draft:) Global inner-heliospheric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models aim to represent large-scale properties of the solar wind from theView More

Radio Investigations for Space Environment Research (RISER): Year 1 Progress

Authors: Mario M. Bisi (RAL Space, United Kingdom Research And Innovation – Science & Technology Facilities Council – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, United Kingdom),View More

Evolution of Switchback Patches Involves Parallel Heating of Ions along Straightening Field Lines

Authors: Shirsh Lata Soni (CLaSP, University of Michigan), Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti (CLaSP, University of Michigan) Switchbacks are discrete angular deflections in the solar wind radial magneticView More

What’s Wrong with the Idea that CME-Shock Particles Produce 100-MeV Gamma Rays?

Authors: J.M. Ryan (UNH), Bruno, A. (CuA), de Nolfo (GSFC), A. Hutchinson (CuA), S. Dalla (UCLAN) Superficial similarities exist between Long Duration Gamma-Ray Flares (LDGRF),View More

Coordinated Coronal and Heliospheric Observations During the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Authors: Y. J. Rivera (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), J. Samra (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), S. T. Badman (Center forView More

Understanding the Evolution of the Three-Part Structure of a Coronal Mass Ejection on 2012 July 26

Authors: Bin Zhuang (University of New Hampshire), Noé Lugaz (University of New Hampshire), Manuela Temmer (University of Graz), Tingyu Gou (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), CarlosView More

Voyager 2 measurements of solar wind corotating interaction regions at Uranus

Authors: Jamie M. Jasinski (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Corey J. Cochrane (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Xianzhe Jia (University of Michigan), William R. Dunn (UCL), EliasView More

Combining Images from PSP/WISPR, SolO/SoloHI and 1 AU to Track Small Scale Features within Coronal Mass Ejections

Authors: Phillip Hess (NRL) In past observations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) taken near 1 AU, there were strict observational limits to the structural CMEView More

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