Authors: Keiji Hayashi (George Mason University), Chin-Chun Wu (Naval Research Laboratory), Kan Liou (John Hopkins University)
The global coronal magnetic field is one of the key factors in the studies on the solar corona and solar wind. The large-scale coronal magnetic field appears overall to be potential, and non-potential magnetic features are found at the rather limited locations, such as the solar active regions and the large-scale filaments.
Our new coronal MHD simulation model can yield such a mixture of the potential and nonpotential structures simultaneously by using the SDO/HMI vector-magnetic-field synoptic maps (Hayashi+ 2022). In this model, a set of conditions on the bottom-boundary MHD variables determine whether the simulated magnetic field will follow the specified three-component vector data or only the radial component will. The variables to determine the switching are the radial component of the plasma velocity and the plasma beta ratio, and it was necessary to tune the threshold values of these two variables in order to obtain reasonable agreements between the final three-dimensional solutions and the observations of the actual solar corona by the SDO/AIA. The switching boundary conditions and the threshold values need further tests by using these observation data and others, such as those by the SOHO/EIT/LASCO and the white-light coronagraphs and the in-situ solar wind measurement data.
We will present the results from time-relaxed (data-constraint) simulations (one simulation data for an instant) and time-evolving (data-driven) simulations (a set of time-series multiple data for a time span), with several selected switching conditions.