Magnetic flux imbalalnce in the coronal holes and their relation with solar wind speed

Authors: Khagendra katuwal, R.T. James McAteer

n this work, we focused on studying 70 coronal holes located at the center of the solar disk within a
specific area defined by coordinates on the y-axis (-500′′to 500′′) and the x-axis (-500′′to 500′′) during
the rising phase of solar cycle 24. The intensity threshold of 100 DN was used to define the boundaries
of coronal holes in the 193 ̊A channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument aboard
the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), capturing imagery of the solar corona. To comprehend the
magnetic environment leading to the formation of equatorial coronal holes, we utilized a line-of-sight
magnetogram from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI/SDO). The computed value of the
skewness of the line-of-sight magnetic field within coronal holes reveals asymmetry. An asymmetric
distribution of the magnetic field is defined as unipolar depending on the phase of solar cycles. We
found that approximately 87.14% of the observed coronal holes exhibit skewness values ranging from
0.20 to 0.40. The magnetic flux imbalance of these coronal holes lies between 18.93% and 50.93%.
We compared the magnetic field distribution of the quiet Sun with that of coronal holes and found
that the magnetic field distribution in the quiet Sun is symmetric, which is significantly different
from coronal holes. We observed a correlation between skewness values and magnetic flux imbalance.
Specifically, higher skewness values were found to be associated with greater flux imbalance and vice
versa. This suggests that skewness can serve as a useful indicator for assessing the degree of magnetic
flux imbalance within coronal holes. Additionally, we found that the imbalance flux of the coronal
holes plays a significant role in obtaining the highest speed solar wind in situ measurements