Mining the Gap: Characterizing the Impact of Non-Propagating Alfvén Waves on Turbulent Dissipation in High-Beta Plasmas

Authors: Waverly Gorman (University of Arizona), Kristopher Klein (University of Arizona)

Linear solutions to the gyrokinetic dispersion relation predict a region in wavenumber space where Alfvén waves become non-propagating around the ion gyroradius when the plasma beta is greater than 30. Local interactions are no longer able to continue moving energy to smaller scales and thus have the potential to interrupt the turbulent cascade. We previously showed that nonlocal interactions can bridge the gap and allow the cascade to continue to smaller scales. In this work, we mine the high-beta gap by exploring what goes on inside this non-propagating region. We find that while the local contribution to the cascade rate drops to zero inside the gap, the primary nonlocal contribution is from large-scale shearing. This research contributes to the understanding of turbulent energy transfer in high-beta plasmas which supports a variety of astrophysical systems where the thermal pressure dominates the magnetic pressure.