Modeling the SW-LISM interaction with pickup ions and kinetic neutral atoms

Authors: Federico Fraternale (Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, The University of Alabama in Huntville)

We will discuss recent progress in modeling the global solar wind interaction with the local interstellar medium in time-dependent simulations. Our multifluid model treats pickup ions (PUIs) as a distinct fluid and employs boundary conditions for PUIs at the termination shock (TS), derived from hybrid kinetic simulations. This model has been recently used to perform time-dependent simulations of a nominal solar cycle. Additionally, MHD-plasma/kinetic-neutrals models provide more accurate descriptions of the various neutral atom populations. We will cover the challenges and recent advances in time-dependent global modeling with both hydrogen and helium atoms being treated kinetically. Our aim is to enhance the interpretation of current and future spacecraft observations of PUIs and neutral atoms, including energetic ones, and to improve the estimates of the LISM properties.