You have been successfully registered on the SHINE site and for your selected newsletters.
You will receive an email from SHINE Workshop asking you to confirm your subscription to the newsletters. You MUST click to confirm in order to start receiving newsletters.
You will receive an additional email titled “[SHINE] Your Username and Password” with your login information. You will use this information to sign into the site via the “Log In” button on the sidebar and access the SHINE Dashboard.
You may choose your own password via the “Lost your password” button on the login screen or through your user profile in the Dashboard.
SHINE Dashboard
This year for SHINE users will log into the SHINE site using your email address and password to manage all the key tasks ahead of the workshop.
A key feature of the Dashboard is that you will be able to manage and edit your own abstracts, as well as add poster and other supporting images at any time.
You may watch this short video about how to log into the Dashboard. This video is also posted on the SHINE home page.