SHINE 2023 Ground Transportation

Hello SHINE 2023 Registrants. The workshop is coming soon!

For those interested in ground transportation between the Burlington Airport and Stoweflake Resort, Umbe negotiated with AA Transportation and here is the info:
AA Transportation
Burlington, Vermont
802-227-2776 (when calling, should mention the SHINE Conference to get this price; open to all SHINE attendees)

Cost: Individual $120 each way
Groups of 7 $135 each way

Students who require ground transportation should contact Christine Schulz; she is putting a list of students with their arrival and departure, flight(s) info that she will provide to AA. In turn, this company will try its best to put students in groups of 7 to minimize the cost per person. Students are responsible for payment (advisor should reimburse). It is approximately an hour  from airport to the venue.

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