Solar Energetic Particle Transport Using Discrete Exterior Calculus 

Authors: Nicholas Furioso (Univeristy of Florida), Dr. Alicia Petersen (University of Florida)

Our research aims to model the trajectory and distribution of solar energetic particles (SEPs) and their impact on spacecraft in the inner heliosphere. Discrete exterior calculus implements quick and accurate calculations in complex space environments. We will focus on the interactions between the solar wind and solar events to describe SEP transport. We plan to create real-time evaluations of SEP distributions, validated with data from the Parker Solar Probe and GOES. We will use the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) for verification. Statistical analyses will compare our model’s predictions with actual data to ensure accuracy. Ultimately, we aim to improve real-time SEP modeling, enhancing safety for spacecraft, astronauts, and airplanes by accurately identifying avoidance regions.