Solar Physics Community Feedback on the Solar Data Analysis Center

Authors: C. Alex Young (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Rebecca A. Ringuette (ADNET/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Brian A. Thomas (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), and Jack Ireland (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

The Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) is seeking feedback from the solar and heliophysics research communities to improve the accessibility of our resources.  The SDAC aims to reduce barriers between new and seasoned researchers and the needed resources by improving the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) of those resources.  Researchers’ input will be crucial in prioritizing the needed improvements to better serve the community. 

SDAC is presenting this poster at the SHINE 2024 meeting to gather feedback.  We have chosen SHINE 2024 because it allows for more direct interaction with and feedback from the solar physics community. 

The poster consists of asynchronous resources:

  • A video tutorial on how to use SDAC services. 
  • A video analysis tutorial using data hosted by the SDAC with computational abilities provided by HelioCloud. 
  • Online user activities to test existing and developing services with user feedback mechanisms.  

This poster is designed for students, early career researchers, cross-disciplinary researchers, and experienced researchers. From the poster, the attendees will have the opportunity to provide input on several key questions:

  • How can the SDAC improve the findability and usability of the data and software we serve to the SHINE community? 
  • What new datasets or services does the SHINE community desire from the SDAC? 

The SDAC plans to use the results from this meeting and the recently presented similar space physics session at CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions) to hold virtual mini-workshops for the solar physics and space physics user communities in September and October. These will focus on the March 2023 space weather event to support the Heliophysics Big Year efforts and the curriculum developed by the PyHC for the 2024 PyHC Summer School.  

The feedback from session attendees will be used to directly influence the development of ongoing projects at the SDAC and prioritize future improvements. The feedback we receive from the attendees of this poster is not just valuable; it’s crucial. Please plan to stop by and give us your opinion. Our ears are open wide!