The goal of the student poster contest is to receive feedback from senior scientists regarding their science communication skills. The ability to present your research to an academic audience with a different background is an important skill that SHINE hopes to encourage through this practice. SHINE aims to foster an inclusive and collaborative community, so we hope everyone feels comfortable giving both positive feedback and constructive criticism. In addition to the anonymous feedback submissions, we encourage students to give feedback to their peers (either throughout the week or during the student-only poster session on student day).
This year, rather than a traditional poster contest, we are soliciting feedback on all posters from all members of the SHINE community. Each poster will have a QR code next to it that will bring SHINE community members to a form they can submit providing feedback on a particular poster. This QR code will also be posted throughout the poster hall and at the link below:
If you view a poster that is outstanding across the board (exceeding expectations in visual appeal, scientific work, and oral presentation), we encourage you to submit feedback through the QR codes and recommend the student for recognition for excellence. We will acknowledge those students who have been recognized for their poster excellence at the banquet on Thursday evening.
We encourage everyone to provide feedback either in person or through the form. The student representatives will make sure all submitted feedback is shared with the proper students. If you have any questions regarding student poster feedback, please contact the Student Representatives at