Sunspot Penumbral Fine-Scale Bright Dots as a Precursor to Coronal Plumes?

Authors: Ayla Weitz (University of Colorado, NSO), Sanjiv Tiwari (LMSAL, BAERI), Bart De Pontieu (LMSAL, University of Oslo), Gianna Cauzzi (NSO), Kevin Reardon (University of Colorado Boulder, NSO)

We present coordinated observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI, IRIS/SJI, and SDO of plume formation rooted in sunspot penumbra, noting a high density of dynamic, bright dots in this same region. We observe the complete formation of the plume over an interval of about 30 minutes, and investigate its dynamics. We find significantly more bright dots in EUI 174 A at the plume base than in other similar regions around the sunspot. Space-time (x-t) maps along the plume show both parabolic and “V”shaped patterns and dominant periodicities of around 10 minutes. These brightenings could be the signature of chromospheric shocks and magnetic reconnection, and may be an important contribution to plume formation.