Non-adiabatic Shock Heating in Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Models

Authors: Gabor Toth (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan) Extended magnetohydrodynamic (XMHD) involves extra variables and/or terms compared to ideal magnethohydrodynamicsView More

Owens Valley Solar Arrays: An Integrated Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Research

Authors: Bin Chen (NJIT), Dale Gary (NJIT), Gelu Nita (NJIT), Sijie Yu (NJIT), Pascal Saint-Hilaire (UC Berkeley), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech), and the EOVSA and OVRO-LWAView More

The Temperature Anisotropy and Alpha Abundance Features of Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind Observed by Parker Solar Probe and Wind Missions

Authors: Jia Huang (SSL/UCB), the SWEAP and FIELDS teams The slow solar wind is typically characterized as having low Alfvénicity. However, Parker Solar Probe (PSP)View More

AWSoM MHD Simulation of a Solar Active Region: Statistical Analysis of Alfven Wave Dissipation and Reflection, Scaling Laws, and Energy Budget on Coronal Loops

Authors: Tong Shi (SETI Institute), Ward Manchester IV (University of Michigan), Enrico Landi (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan), Judit SzenteView More

On the properties of the Alfven transition zone separating the solar corona and the solar wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), Arcadi Usmanov (NASA GSFC & U Delaware), William Matthaeus (U Delaware), Melvyn Goldstein (SSI), and Others TheView More

Refinement of global coronal and interplanetary magnetic field extrapolations constrained by remote-sensing and in situ observations at the solar minimum

Authors: Guanglu Shi (Purple Mountain Observatory), Li Feng (Purple Mountain Observatory), Beili Ying (Purple Mountain Observatory), Shuting Li (Purple Mountain Observatory), Weiqun Gan (Purple MountainView More

Recent Progress in Modeling and Representation of Turbulence in the Global Inner-heliospheric Solar Wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (NASA GSFC & U Delaware) (Draft:) Global inner-heliospheric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models aim to represent large-scale properties of the solar wind from theView More

Coordinated Coronal and Heliospheric Observations During the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Authors: Y. J. Rivera (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), J. Samra (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), S. T. Badman (Center forView More

Voyager 2 measurements of solar wind corotating interaction regions at Uranus

Authors: Jamie M. Jasinski (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Corey J. Cochrane (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Xianzhe Jia (University of Michigan), William R. Dunn (UCL), EliasView More

Quantifying how surface complexity influences properties of the solar corona and solar wind

Authors: Caroline L. Evans (University of Colorado Boulder), Cooper Downs (Predictive Science, Inc.), Don Schmit (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences), James Crowley (UniversityView More

Magnetic Insights from Vector Magnetogram Inversions of Hinode SP

Authors: James Crowley (National Solar Observatory; CU Boulder), Cooper Downs (Predictive Science Inc.), Don Schmit (CIRES), Caroline Evans (National Solar Observatory; CU Boulder) Over theView More

Toward a Consensus for Multi-Sourced Photospheric Magnetic Field Cross-Calibration and Producing Radial Field Synoptic Charts

Authors: Yang Liu (Stanford University), J. T. Hoeksema (Stanford University), Luca Bertello (NSO), Gordon Petrie (NSO), Alexei Pevtsov (NSO), Charles Arge (NASA), Sheala Jones (NASA)View More

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