Analysis of the evolution of the phase space density of internal energy using pressure-strain interaction and heat flux

Authors: M. Hasan Barbhuiya (West Virginia University), Paul Cassak (West Virginia University), James Juno (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), Gregory Howes (University of Iowa), Sarah ConleyView More

Exploring Kinetic Processes in the Upper Corona and Solar Wind: Insights from Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Michael Terres (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), Michael Stevens (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), Kristoff Paulson (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) Turbulence serves as a mechanism for transferring energy fromView More

Parametric description of intermittent probability distribution functions in solar wind and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

Authors: Juan C. Palacios (Florida Tech), Jean Perez (Florida Tech), Sofiane Bourouaine (Florida Tech) In this work, we find empirical evidence that the scale-dependent statisticalView More

Hear the songs of the inner heliosphere recorded by Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Jaye Verniero (NASA GSFC), Robert Alexander (NASA GSFC/UMBC), Kristoff Paulson (SAO), Sam Badman (SAO) Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is sampling unprecedented regions of theView More

Electron-only reconnection and inverse magnetic-energy transfer at sub-ion scales

Authors: Zhuo Liu, Caio Silva, Lucio M. Milanese, Noah R. Mandell, Nuno F. Loureiro Electron-only reconnection is a type of magnetic reconnection occurring in sufficientlyView More

Evolution of solar wind turbulence during radial alignment of Parker Solar Probe with Solar Orbiter in December 2022

Authors: Ashok Silwal (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Lingling Zhao (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Xingyu Zhu (University of Alabama in Huntsville) Parker Solar ProbeView More

The Fundamental Parameters of Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence and its Dissipation

Authors: Gregory Howes (University of Iowa) A specific set of dimensionless plasma and turbulence parameters is introduced to characterize the nature of turbulence and itsView More

Electron-only and ion-coupled magnetic reconnection in plasma turbulence: magnetic flux transport signatures

Authors: Tak Chu Li (Dartmouth College), Yi-Hsin Liu (Dartmouth College), and Yi Qi (University of Colorado Boulder) Electron-only magnetic reconnection was first identified by theView More

Revisiting Landau damping of collisionless Langmuir waves through the lens of entropy

Authors: Hasith Perera(West Virginia University),Paul Cassak(West Virginia University),Hasan Barbhuiya(West Virginia University), Michael Shay(University of Delaware),Greg Howes(University of Iowa),James Juno(PPPL),Jason M. TenBarge(Princeton University),Emily Lichko (University ofView More

Congruency Of Enhancement In Magnetic Partial Variance Of Increments And Dayside Magnetopause Reconnections

Authors: Ramiz Qudsi (Boston University), Brian Walsh (Boston University) Magnetic partial variance of increments or PVI is a simple and yet a very effective toolView More

Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind

Authors: Charles Fred Driscoll (UCSD) A model of “charge-electric” energization of the Solar Wind and Corona is developed, including electro-magnetic particle effects precluded by traditionalView More