The Temperature Anisotropy and Alpha Abundance Features of Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind Observed by Parker Solar Probe and Wind Missions

Authors: Jia Huang (SSL/UCB), the SWEAP and FIELDS teams The slow solar wind is typically characterized as having low Alfvénicity. However, Parker Solar Probe (PSP)View More

The UCSD Real-Time 3-D Heliospheric Reconstruction Analyses as Citizens’ Science Outreach

Authors: Bernard V. Jackson (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, San Diego), Benjamin Pieczynski (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, SanView More

Radio Investigations for Space Environment Research (RISER): Year 1 Progress

Authors: Mario M. Bisi (RAL Space, United Kingdom Research And Innovation – Science & Technology Facilities Council – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, United Kingdom),View More

Evolution of Switchback Patches Involves Parallel Heating of Ions along Straightening Field Lines

Authors: Shirsh Lata Soni (CLaSP, University of Michigan), Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti (CLaSP, University of Michigan) Switchbacks are discrete angular deflections in the solar wind radial magneticView More

Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind

Authors: Charles Fred Driscoll (UCSD) A model of “charge-electric” energization of the Solar Wind and Corona is developed, including electro-magnetic particle effects precluded by traditionalView More

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