Solar Prominence Instabilities and Evolution Toward Eruptions

Authors: Wei Liu (LMSAL/BAERI), Thomas Berger (Univ. Colorado), Andrei Afanasev (Univ. Colorado), and Yuhong Fan (UCAR/HAO) Solar prominences are large-scale plasma structures embedded in non-potentialView More

Self-consistent Formation and Resistive Instability of a Simulated Flare Current Sheet

Authors: Silvina Guidoni (American University), Rebecca Bonness (American University) During solar eruptions, massive amounts of energy stored in the coronal magnetic field are converted intoView More

Sunspot Penumbral Fine-Scale Bright Dots as a Precursor to Coronal Plumes?

Authors: Ayla Weitz (University of Colorado, NSO), Sanjiv Tiwari (LMSAL, BAERI), Bart De Pontieu (LMSAL, University of Oslo), Gianna Cauzzi (NSO), Kevin Reardon (University ofView More

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Coronal Cavities in Pseudostreamers and Helmet Streamers

Authors: M. P. Miralles (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), N. Karna (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), I. Vivas-Abad (Center for AstrophysicsView More

Daba-based MHD Simulation for Consecutive Flare Eruptions in Active Region 13663

Authors: Nian Liu (NJIT), Satoshi Inoue (NJIT), Ju Jing (NJIT, BBSO), Haimin Wang (NJIT, BBSO) We conducted both data-constrained and data-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations ofView More

Electron-only reconnection and inverse magnetic-energy transfer at sub-ion scales

Authors: Zhuo Liu, Caio Silva, Lucio M. Milanese, Noah R. Mandell, Nuno F. Loureiro Electron-only reconnection is a type of magnetic reconnection occurring in sufficientlyView More

Measuring CME magnetic fields through their prominences: He I 1083 nm as unsaturated Hanle diagnostic of the coronal magnetic field

Authors: Momchil E. Molnar (HAO), Roberto Casini (HAO) The Helium I 1083 nm atomic line can be utilized to infer properties of the solar coronalView More

Quantifying how surface complexity influences properties of the solar corona and solar wind

Authors: Caroline L. Evans (University of Colorado Boulder), Cooper Downs (Predictive Science, Inc.), Don Schmit (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences), James Crowley (UniversityView More

Magnetic Insights from Vector Magnetogram Inversions of Hinode SP

Authors: James Crowley (National Solar Observatory; CU Boulder), Cooper Downs (Predictive Science Inc.), Don Schmit (CIRES), Caroline Evans (National Solar Observatory; CU Boulder) Over theView More

Studying Upward-Propagating Acoustic Waves in Realistic 3D RMHD Simulations of the Sun via Dynamics of Photospheric Fe I and Na I Lines

Authors: Hamilton, J. (Georgia State University); Sadykov, V.M. (Georgia State University); Kitiashvili, I.N. (NASA Ames Research Center); Wray, A.A. (NASA Ames Research Center) The abilityView More

Incorporating a method for inferring solar coronal 3D magnetic fields using IQU-only spectropolarimetry into the CLEDB package.

Authors: Alin Razvan Paraschiv (NSO) With the commissioning of new generation instrumentation and the recent advances in understanding the theoretical aspects of solar coronal polarization,View More

Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind

Authors: Charles Fred Driscoll (UCSD) A model of “charge-electric” energization of the Solar Wind and Corona is developed, including electro-magnetic particle effects precluded by traditionalView More

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