Solar Prominence Instabilities and Evolution Toward Eruptions

Authors: Wei Liu (LMSAL/BAERI), Thomas Berger (Univ. Colorado), Andrei Afanasev (Univ. Colorado), and Yuhong Fan (UCAR/HAO) Solar prominences are large-scale plasma structures embedded in non-potentialView More

Self-consistent Formation and Resistive Instability of a Simulated Flare Current Sheet

Authors: Silvina Guidoni (American University), Rebecca Bonness (American University) During solar eruptions, massive amounts of energy stored in the coronal magnetic field are converted intoView More

Owens Valley Solar Arrays: An Integrated Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Research

Authors: Bin Chen (NJIT), Dale Gary (NJIT), Gelu Nita (NJIT), Sijie Yu (NJIT), Pascal Saint-Hilaire (UC Berkeley), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech), and the EOVSA and OVRO-LWAView More

Daba-based MHD Simulation for Consecutive Flare Eruptions in Active Region 13663

Authors: Nian Liu (NJIT), Satoshi Inoue (NJIT), Ju Jing (NJIT, BBSO), Haimin Wang (NJIT, BBSO) We conducted both data-constrained and data-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations ofView More

Possible in-situ evidence for plasmoids in a reconnecting flare current sheet

Authors: Ryan French (National Solar Observatory), Ritesh Patel (Southwest Research Institute), Maria Kazachenko (University of Colorado Boulder / National Solar Observatory), Joel Dahlin (NASA GSFC),View More

Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind

Authors: Charles Fred Driscoll (UCSD) A model of “charge-electric” energization of the Solar Wind and Corona is developed, including electro-magnetic particle effects precluded by traditionalView More

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