Solar Prominence Instabilities and Evolution Toward Eruptions

Authors: Wei Liu (LMSAL/BAERI), Thomas Berger (Univ. Colorado), Andrei Afanasev (Univ. Colorado), and Yuhong Fan (UCAR/HAO) Solar prominences are large-scale plasma structures embedded in non-potentialView More


Authors: Laura Balmaceda (GMU/NASA GSFC), Miriam Lorenzo Laguno (Interdisciplinary Higher Education Centre (CFIS), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona ,Spain), Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla Magnetic Flux Ropes (MFRs)View More

Owens Valley Solar Arrays: An Integrated Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Research

Authors: Bin Chen (NJIT), Dale Gary (NJIT), Gelu Nita (NJIT), Sijie Yu (NJIT), Pascal Saint-Hilaire (UC Berkeley), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech), and the EOVSA and OVRO-LWAView More

Statistical Survey of Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Propagating Wave Trains (QFPs) Associated with Flares/CMEs in the Solar Corona

Authors: Richard Zhang (Cupertino High School and Stanford University), Wei Liu (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), Ruizhu Chen (Stanford University) The magnetized solar coronaView More

The UCSD Real-Time 3-D Heliospheric Reconstruction Analyses as Citizens’ Science Outreach

Authors: Bernard V. Jackson (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, San Diego), Benjamin Pieczynski (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, SanView More

Hear the songs of the inner heliosphere recorded by Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Jaye Verniero (NASA GSFC), Robert Alexander (NASA GSFC/UMBC), Kristoff Paulson (SAO), Sam Badman (SAO) Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is sampling unprecedented regions of theView More

Mysterious low frequency transients discovered by the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array

Authors: Surajit Mondal (NJIT), Bin Chen (NJIT) , Dale Gary (NJIT) , Peijin Zhang (NJIT,UCAR), Gregg Hallinan (Caltech) and the OVRO-LWA team The middle coronaView More

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Coronal Cavities in Pseudostreamers and Helmet Streamers

Authors: M. P. Miralles (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), N. Karna (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), I. Vivas-Abad (Center for AstrophysicsView More

Large-scale EUV Waves in the Solar Corona Associated with CMEs and/or Flares

Authors: Wei Liu (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory and Bay Area Environmental Research Institute), Meng Jin (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), Tongjiang WangView More

Concurrent Frozen-in-Flux and Frozen-in-Charge-State Theorems: A Tool for In Situ Solar Wind Measurements

Authors: Tyler Eddy (University of Michigan), Susan Lepri (University of Michigan), and Jim Raines (University of Michigan) The frozen-in-flux and frozen-in-charge state theorems are importantView More

Understanding the Evolution of the Three-Part Structure of a Coronal Mass Ejection on 2012 July 26

Authors: Bin Zhuang (University of New Hampshire), Noé Lugaz (University of New Hampshire), Manuela Temmer (University of Graz), Tingyu Gou (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), CarlosView More

Combining Images from PSP/WISPR, SolO/SoloHI and 1 AU to Track Small Scale Features within Coronal Mass Ejections

Authors: Phillip Hess (NRL) In past observations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) taken near 1 AU, there were strict observational limits to the structural CMEView More

Implications and causes in the identification of Large Scale Structures from operations to research

Authors: Carlos Perez-Alanis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / George Mason University); Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ); Michelangelo Romano, (Catholic University ofView More

Possible in-situ evidence for plasmoids in a reconnecting flare current sheet

Authors: Ryan French (National Solar Observatory), Ritesh Patel (Southwest Research Institute), Maria Kazachenko (University of Colorado Boulder / National Solar Observatory), Joel Dahlin (NASA GSFC),View More

Comparing Operational Geospace Model Results Using STEREO-A and L1 Storm Observations

Authors: A. P. Rasca (CU/CIRES), H. J. Singer (NOAA/SWPC), G. H. Millward (CU/CIRES), J. G. Luhmann (UC Berkeley), C. O. Lee (UC Berkeley), L. JianView More

Challenges in Forecasting the Evolution of a Distorted CME Observed During the First Close Solar Orbiter Perihelion

Authors: Alessandro Liberatore (JPL), Carlos R. Braga (APL), Manuela Temmer (UniGraz), Greta M. Cappello(UniGraz), Daniele Telloni (INAF), Paulett C. Liewer (JPL), Angelos Vourlidas (APL), MarcoView More

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