Toward a Consensus for Multi-Sourced Photospheric Magnetic Field Cross-Calibration and Producing Radial Field Synoptic Charts

Authors: Yang Liu (Stanford University), J. T. Hoeksema (Stanford University), Luca Bertello (NSO), Gordon Petrie (NSO), Alexei Pevtsov (NSO), Charles Arge (NASA), Sheala Jones (NASA)

In this presentation, we report progress in producing radial magnetic field synoptic maps. We have derived the rescaling masks for the line-of-sight magnetograms from the HMI, MDI, SOLIS, GONG, MWO, and WSO. The distortion in MDI, SOLIS, GONG, and MWO is also measured using the HMI data as a reference. We are addressing the outstanding issues in producing the radial field synoptic maps including polar field, true radial field, and emerging active regions at the far-side.