Energy and Spectral Analysis of an AWSoM MHD Simulated Active Region

Authors: Ward Manchester, Enrico Landi, Tong Shi, Judit Szente, Bart van der Holst, Gabor Toth (University of Michigan)

We simulate an active region appearing near disk center on 2018 July 13 with the Alfven Wave Solar Model (AWSoM) and perform a detailed spectral and energy analysis to determine the validity of the Alfven wave turbulent heating.  To resolve smaller-scale magnetic features, we apply adaptive mesh refinement to resolve the AR with a spatial resolution of 0.37 degrees, four times higher than the background corona.  We then apply the SPECTRUM code informed with Chianti spectral emissivities to calculate spectral lines forming at temperatures ranging from 0.5 to 3+ MK.  Comparisons are made between these simulated line profiles and those observed by the Hinode/EIS instrument where we find close agreement (within a 20% margin of error of peak intensity) across a wide range of loop sizes and temperatures. Finally, we examine the energy deposition and compare it to the loss rates by radiation, electron heat conduction and advection to better understand the model and its broad applicability of the low-frequency Alfven wave balanced turbulence theory for explaining the heating of coronal loops.