ESA Heliophysics working Group “Heliophysics in Europe” workshop – registration and abstract submission open

“Heliophysics in Europe” Workshop
Monday 30 October – Friday 3 November 2023
ESA ESTEC – Noordwijk, Netherlands


Heliophysics (including space weather) encompasses space plasma physics throughout the solar system, from Sun to the solar wind, planets (including the Earth) and small bodies. 

Heliophysics has a large and active international community, with significant expertise and heritage in the European Space Agency and Europe. 

The ESA Heliophysics Working Group acts as a focus for discussion, inside ESA, of the scientific interests of the Heliophysics community, including the European ground-based community and data archiving activities.

The  ESA Heliophysics Working Group has organised the meeting ‘Heliophysics in Europe’ to improve communication between the European Heliophysics community and the various ESA directorates involved. The meeting will highlight opportunities existing in those directorates, but also look to identify synergies spanning directorates and possible future coordination efforts. 

Areas of mutual interest already identified include archiving, data formats and discoverability, as well as improved connection to the modelling and ground-based community. 

The focus will not be on specific missions, or regions or bodies in the solar system, but in terms of Heliophysics phenomena and processes that cut across ESA.

This will allow better connection of all parts of the Heliophysics community (as described above) to all relevant parts of ESA and vice versa. The meeting will be split into the following sessions, each with dedicated discussion sections and posters.

Session 1: ESA Heliophysics activities

Session 2: Building Bridges in Heliophysics: open questions, missing observations, measurements, models, and investigative techniques

Session 3: Building a European Heliophysics network and community hub

Session 4: Workshop Reporting, Summary, SWOT discussion and next steps

The meeting will run from lunchtime on monday 30 October to lunchtime on Friday 3 November 2023 and will have online connectivity.

Registration is open (free) and abstract submission, deadline 15 September 2023.