Authors: Michael Shay(University of Delaware), Tulasi N. Parashar (Victoria University of Wellington), William H. Matthaeus (University of Delaware)
Classic picture of magnetic reconnection has shown significant similarities with turbulence. A spectral slope of -5/3 in the enery spectrum and a cascade of energy, properties that often characterize turbulence have also been observed in kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of antiparallel reconnection [1,2]. However, reconnection observed in space plasmas mostly have a guide field. Therefore, in this study we explore the behavior of energy spectrum and energy transfer process in reconnection in presence of an external guide field. Further, the guide field is also varied and its effect is studied.
1. S. Adhikari et. al., Reconnection from a turbulence perspective, Physics of Plasmas 27 (4), 042305, 2020.
2. S. Adhikari et. al., Energy transfer in reconnection and turbulence, Physical Review E, 104, 065206, 2021.