Multi-Spacecraft Measurements of CMEs near 1 AU by STEREO-A and Wind: Consequences for Future Mission Concepts

Authors: Noé Lugaz (UNH), Camilla Scolini (UNH), Bin Zhuang (UNH), Charles J. Farrugia (UNH), Nada Al-Haddad (UNH), Réka Winslow (UNH), Florian Regnault (UNH), Wenyuan Yu (UNH), Emma Davies (GeoSphere Austria), Christina O. Lee (UC Berkeley), Antoinette Galvin (UNH)

STEREO-A has been within 45$^\circ$ from the Sun-Earth line since mid-2021. The return of STEREO-A towards the Sun-Earth line enables the investigation of the angular extent and coherence of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) by combining STEREO-A and L1 measurements. In this work, we analyze all CME events that propagate in-between the Sun-STEREO-A and Sun-Earth lines from 2021 to mid-2022. After determining their direction from remote observations, we determine which CMEs impacted L1 and/or STEREO-A. We find only few clear multi-spacecraft events, even for separations of 20-30$^\circ$. We discuss briefly more recent events that show clear differences in the CME properties for separations of $\sim 10^\circ$. We discuss the consequences of this finding for the design future multi-spacecraft interplanetary constellations focusing on large-scale structures, such as CMEs.