Natural Segmentation of Solar Wind Timeseries from Parker Solar Probe

Authors: Zesen Huang (UCLA), Chen Shi (UCLA), Nikos Sioulas (UCLA), Marco Velli (UCLA), Trevor Bowen (UCLA)

In situ observations from the Parker Solar Probe reveal that solar wind originates from various regions on the Sun, emphasizing the need to distinguish between different streams to improve our understanding of the Sun’s magnetic field. This study demonstrates that by detrending the magnetic field strength (|B|) based on the heliocentric distance (r) with a power law (not necessarily R^-2, due to super radial expansion and stream-stream interaction), we can effectively separate the rescaled magnetic field strengths into closely n ormally distributed intervals. The associated plasma parameters confirm that these intervals correspond to distinct streams. Furthermore, 3D Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence simulations initialized with randomly phased Alfvén waves support the notion that normal distribution represents a stable asymptotic end state for the |B| distribution. Elucidating the origins of these streams enhances our comprehension of solar wind magnetic field structures, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of heliophysics.