Relationship Between Kinetic and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions

Authors: Yang Liu (Stanford University), Rudy Komm (NSO)

Using SDO/HMI data, we search for relationship between kinetic helicity and magnetic helicity in active regions in a sample of 62 active regions from May 2010 to May 2015. The sample includes 32 matured active regions and 30 emerging active regions. We calculate kinetic helicity in the interior, magnetic helicity in the corona, helicity flux across the photosphere, magnetic twist, and magnetic writhe for these active regions. No relationship is found between the kinetic helicity and magnetic helicity, between the kinetic helicity and magnetic helicity flux, and between the kinetic helicity and magnetic twist and writhe. We also examine the hemisphere preference for these active regions. Weak hemisphere preference is found for kinetic and magnetic helicity.