Simulating Stream Interaction Regions during Parker Solar Probe’s First Approach with the Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere Model

Authors: Elizabeth Wraback (University of Michigan), Alex Hoffmann (University of Michigan), Ward Manchester (University of Michigan), Bart van der Holst (University of Michigan), Daniel Carpenter (University of Michigan)

Numerical simulations can provide the details and context of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations at unprecedented heliocentric distances. Previous work by van der Holst et al. showed good agreement in their Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere Model (AWSoM) simulation of the solar corona and inner heliosphere in comparison to PSP observations during the first encounter. This work expands upon van der Holst et al. to investigate the global model results at 1 AU with comparison to observations from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), Wind, and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-A (STEREO-A) spacecraft. Consideration is given to two stream interaction regions (SIRs) captured during the simulated Carrington rotation. Due to the advanced nature of AWSoM and the novelty of PSP’s observations, we were able to investigate the structure of the Alfven turbulence and temperature anisotropy of the SIRs to better understand the wave energy amplification and proton thermal energy partitioning through the compression regions.