SPHERE workshop abstract submission is open

Registration and abstract submission are now open for the second Solar Physics High Energy Research (SPHERE) Workshop, to be held 20–23 June 2023 at the University of Maryland, College Park. The goal of the SPHERE workshop series is to foster the development of an integrated and unified understanding of high-energy processes on the Sun by bringing together experts in X-ray/radio/EUV observations, theory, and modeling. The workshop will be primarily in-person, hosted by the Institute of Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP), but remote participation will also be supported.

For further details, please visit the workshop website: https://sphere.boulder.swri.edu 

The workshop format includes plenary sessions, for active discussion on broad topics by the entire workshop, and breakout sessions for special topics, which will be selected based on input from registrants.  Early-career researchers and students will be granted requests for oral presentations, instrument and mission presentations can be contributed by and there will be a dedicated poster session for the other contributions.

To register and submit an abstract, please visit the workshop link: https://go.umd.edu/sphere23registration

For questions regarding registration, abstract submissions or the scientific program, email:

Meriem Alaoui (alaoui@umd.edu) or Albert Shih (albert.y.shih@nasa.gov)

We hope to see you soon in College Park, or online!