The Middle Corona: Perpetually Under-observed

Authors: Chris R. Gilly (LASP)

When SOHO was launched it included a suite of three coronagraphs, C1, C2, and C3. These imagers were made to cover three increasingly large annuli around the sun, and provide surface-to-wind coverage of dynamic structures and eruptions. Unfortunately, C1 was lost after only a year and a half. Since then, there has been very little coverage of the so-called Middle Corona. As is the nature of these things, it turns out that this region, from about 1.5 – 6 R_s, is an extremely important region of the solar atmosphere, encompassing almost all of the influential physical transitions and processes that govern the behavior of coronal outflow.  At this poster I will mention a number of planned missions that intend to help fill this or other gaps in coverage of the Sun. I’ll also promote a definitional paper, in-prep, which discusses physics of the Middle Corona in great detail.