Turbulence and large-scale structures in the expanding solar wind (Scene-setting – Session #4)

Authors: Chen Shi (UCLA), Marco Velli (UCLA), Anna Tenerani (UT Austin)

Solar wind is highly turbulent and contains fluctuations on all scales which are dynamically evolving as the solar wind propagates. Study of the solar wind turbulence is crucial for understanding not only the fundamental nonlinear plasma physics but also various important phenomena such as the acceleration and heating of the solar wind and generation of energetic particles. In this talk, I will summarize our recent studies on how the large-scale solar wind structures, i.e. corotating interaction regions (CIRs) and heliospheric current sheet (HCS), modify the evolution of turbulence. MHD simulations based on expanding-box-model (EBM) in combination with in-situ measurements made by Parker Solar Probe and satellites located at 1 AU show that both CIRs and HCS have strong influences on the turbulence properties. Both the structures weaken the Alfvénicity of the fluctuations, destroying the dominance of the outward propagating Alfvén wave component and generating an imbalance between the kinetic and magnetic energies. But CIRs lead to a kinetic energy excess while HCS leads to a magnetic energy excess. Other turbulence properties such as the power spectra are also modified close to these structures.