Looking for Acoustic Precursor Signals of Solar Eruptive Events with a new Helium D3 Instrument

Authors: Fallon Konow (Georgia State University), Neil Murphy (NASA Jet Propulsion Lab), Wayne Rodgers (Eddy Company), Stuart M. Jefferies (Georgia State University) In the interiorView More

Extrapolation and Topological Analysis of Magnetic Flux Ropes for Two Solar Eruption Events

Authors: Wen He (UAH), Qiang Hu (UAH), Jiong Qiu (MSU) Along with the development of high-resolution observations from multiple points either in remote-sensing or in-situView More

Is the coronal magnetic topology of Potential Field Source Surface models robust to boundary conditions from different Surface Flux Transport models?

Authors: Graham Barnes(NWRA), Marc DeRosa(LMSAL), Shaela Jones(NASA GSFC), Mark Cheung(LMSAL), C. Nick Arge,(NASA GSFC), Carl Henney(AFRL) The geometry, connectivity, and topology of the large-scale coronalView More

Connecting the Sun/Corona/Heliosphere By Capitalizing On Remote Sensing Data Products

Authors: Nathalia Alzate (GSFC/ADNET), Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth U.), Daniel Seaton (SwRI), Barbara Thompson (NASA GSFC), Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla (NASA GSFC) and Simone Di Matteo (NASA GSFC/CatholicView More

Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind

Authors: Alexandros Koukras (KU Leuven, Royal Observatory of Belgium), Laurent Dolla (Royal Observatory of Belgium), Rony Keppens (KU Leuven) Although the most likely source regionsView More

Importance of Understanding the CME Three-Part Structure and Its Implication for the CME Radial Expansion

Authors: Bin Zhuang (University of New Hampshire), Noé Lugaz (University of New Hampshire) The CME three-part structure in white-light images has been studied for decades.View More

Improving models of the corona and solar wind using polar coronal hole observations

Authors: Carl Henney (Air Force Research Laboratory), Shaela Jones (NASA Goddard Space flight Center and Catholic University of America Department of Physics), Charles “Nick” ArgeView More

Laboratory Study of Arched Plasma Eruptions in a Sheared Magnetic Field

Authors: Kamil D. Sklodowski (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA), Shreekrishna Tripathi (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA), Troy Carter (Department of Physics and Astronomy,View More

Depletion of Heavy Ion Abundances in Slow Solar Wind and the Association with Quiet Sun Regions

Authors: Liang Zhao(U of Michigan), Enrico Landi(U of Michigan), Susan T. Lepri(U of Michigan), Daniel Carpenter (U of Michigan) The exact coronal origin of theView More

Can we image reconnection-related flows at the fronts of CMEs?

Authors: Carlos R. Braga (George Mason University, Fairfax, VA), Angelos Vourlidas (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD) Magnetic reconnection is ubiquitous in spaceView More

New insights into the first two PSP solar encounters enabled by modeling analysis with ADAPT-WSA

Authors: Samantha Wallace (NPP, NASA/GSFC), Shaela I. Jones (CUA, NASA/GSFC), C. Nick Arge (NASA/GSFC), Nicholeen M. Viall (NASA/GSFC), Carl J. Henney (AFRL) Parker Solar Probes’sView More

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