Exploring the Corona With the Newest Coronagraph at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO)

Authors: Joan Burkepile (High Altitude Observatory HAO), Steven Tomczyk (HAO), Ben Berkey (HAO), Marc Cotter (HAO) , Michael Galloy (HAO), Sarah Gibson (HAO), Don KolinskiView More

Integrating automated coronal mass ejection detection alerts from a ground based coronagraph for use in solar energetic particle event forecasting

Authors: M. D. Galloy (HAO Boulder, CO), J. T. Burkepile (HAO Boulder, CO), M. L. Mays (NASA GSFC), J. T. Jones (NASA GSFC), O. C.View More

AIA Active Region Patches (AARPs): an ML-ready dataset (and initial forecasting-“related” analysis)

Authors: KD Leka (NWRA and Nagoya University), Karin Dissauer (NWRA), Graham Barnes (NWRA), Eric Wagner (NWRA) NWRA is releasing a machine-learning-ready dataset of E/UV timeseriesView More

Characterizing waves near the heliospheric current sheet with improved minimum variance analysis of PSP observations

Authors: Alexandre L. Brosius (PSU/NASA GSFC), Jaye L. Verniero (NASA GSFC), Adam Szabo (NASA GSFC) Parker Solar Probe is allowing us to witness magnetic reconnectionView More

On the Estimation of Correlation Functions of Non-Contiguous Solar Wind Turbulence Signals

Authors: Mason Dorseth (Florida Institute of Technology), Jean C. Perez (Florida Institute of Technology), Sofiane Bourouaine (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory), Juan Carlos Palacios CaicedoView More

Parametric Decay of Circularly Polarized Alfven Wave: One Dimensional and Multidimensional Simulations

Authors: Noshin Mashayekhizadeh(University of New Hampshire), Benjamin D G Chandran(University of New Hampshire), Kai Germaschewski(University of New Hampshire) In parametric decay, the presence of aView More

In-Situ Signature of Cyclotron Resonant Heating

Authors: Trevor A. Bowen (UC Berkeley), Ben Chandran (UNH), Jonathan Squire (Univ. Otago), Stuart D. Bale (UC Berkeley),Die Duan (Peking University), Kristopher G. Klein (U.View More

Laboratory Study of Alfvén Wave Parametric Instabilites

Authors: S. Dorfman (Space Science Institute), T. Carter (UCLA), S. Vincena (UCLA), F. Li (New Mexico Consortium), S. Fu (New Mexico Consortium), P. Pribyl (UCLA),View More

Homogenizing Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Surveys with Uncertainty: A model-ensemble approach

Authors: Subhamoy Chatterjee (SwRI), Andres Munoz-Jaramillo (SwRI), Maher Dayeh (SwRI & UTSA), Hazel Bain (CIRES & NOAA SWPC), Kim Moreland (UTSA & SwRI) Solar imagesView More

Can we use pre-eruption activity to shed light on initiation mechanisms of solar eruptions?

Authors: Karin Dissauer (NorthWest Research Associates), Graham Barnes (NorthWest Research Associates), KD Leka (NorthWest Research Associates; Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University), Stuart GilchristView More

​​A statistical study of magnetic field changes in the photosphere during solar flares using high-cadence vector magnetograms and their association with flare ribbons

Authors: Rahul Yadav (LASP/CU, Boulder) and M. D. Kazachenko (LASP/CU, NSO, ASP/CU) Abrupt and permanent photospheric magnetic field changes have been observed in many flares.View More

Parker Solar Probe observations of nonthermal solar wind and Venusian protons during PSP’s Venus Gravity Assists

Authors: Ali Rahmati, Davin Larson, Roberto Livi, Phyllis Whittlesey, Michael McManus, Orlando Romeo, Jaye Verniero, Justin Kasper, Stuart Bale, Marc Pulupa, Keith Goetz, and theView More

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