Calibrating the WSA model in EUHFORIA based on PSP observations: challenges and limitations toward the improvement of solar wind forecasting

Authors: Evangelia Samara (Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium and KU Leuven, Belgium), Charles N. Arge (NASA/GSFC, USA), Rui F. Pinto (LDE3, Uni. Paris-Saclay, France andView More

New insights into the first two PSP solar encounters enabled by modeling analysis with ADAPT-WSA

Authors: Samantha Wallace (NPP, NASA/GSFC), Shaela I. Jones (CUA, NASA/GSFC), C. Nick Arge (NASA/GSFC), Nicholeen M. Viall (NASA/GSFC), Carl J. Henney (AFRL) Parker Solar Probes’sView More

An extended and fragmented Alfvén zone in the Young Solar Wind

Authors: Rohit Chhiber (University of Delaware & NASA GSFC), William Matthaeus (University of Delaware), Arcadi Usmanov (University of Delaware & NASA GSFC), Riddhi Bandyopadhyay (PrincetonView More

What is a Better Way for Data-based Solar Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations?

Authors: Satoshi Inoue (Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology), Keiji Hayashi (George Mason University), Takahiro Miyoshi (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima UniversityView More

Ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind and their indications of source ion distributions

Authors: H. Y. Wei (Dept. of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA), L. K. Jian (NASA Goddard Space FlightView More

Investigating the Asymmetry of the Magnetic Field Profile of “Simple” Magnetic Ejecta

Authors: Wenyuan Yu (University of New Hampshire), Nada A. Al-Haddad (University of New Hampshire), Charles J. Farrugia (University of New Hampshire), Noé Lugaz (University ofView More

Human Exploration Operations and the Need for Validating Space Weather Models

Authors: Philip Quinn (NASA/JSC/SRAG (Leidos)) In human exploration operations, space weather forecasting models are used to help predict the severity of solar particle events. ButView More

Investigating the radial evolution of solar wind structures with PSP’s 11th Encounter

Authors: S.D. Bale, T. S. Horbury, L.Matteini, T. Woolley, J. Stawarz, L.D. Woodham Parker Solar Probe’s (PSP’s) 11th encounter in February 2022 has provided aView More

Phase Space Energization Analysis of the Corrugation Instability using the Field-Particle Correlation Technique

Authors: Collin Brown (University of Iowa), James Juno (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), Greg Howes (University of Iowa), Colby Haggerty (University of Hawaii), Sage Constantinou (UniversityView More

The Mesoscale Structure of Three Unremarkable Coronal Mass Ejections observed near Earth

Authors: Rachael Filwett (University of Iowa), Joe Fennell (Aerospace Corporation), Bern Blake (Aerospace Corporation), Allison Jaynes (University of Iowa), Drew Turner (APL), Robert Allen (APL)View More

Eruptive vs. confined solar flares: statistical comparison of their solar source properties

Authors: Maria D. Kazachenko (CU Boulder / NSO) What is the difference between confined and eruptive flares in terms of their physical properties at theView More

Predicting Solar Wind Footpoints as Probability Distributions using WSA/ADAPT

Authors: Daniel da Silva (NASA/GSFC, UMBC), Nick Arge (NASA/GSFC), Shaela Jones (NASA/GSFC, Catholic University), Samantha Wallace (NASA/GSFC) The origin point on the sun corresponding toView More

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